Reference Number | Category | Name and business address of the contractor | Amount Payable | Class |
FMD2021_032 | Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Electrical Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Estimated cost over $150,000.00. Original value $452,278.00 incl GST |
1 |
FMD2022_046 | Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Electrical Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Estimated costs over $150,000, Anticipated original contract value $475,385 including GST |
1 |
FMD2022_005 | Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Electrical Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 380430 |
1 |
FMD2022_045 | Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Electrical Services |
$15,901,030.00 | 1 |
FMD2024_076 | Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Electrical Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Greater than $150,000. Estimated expenditure is $990,000 over the contract term (inclusive of GST). Contract price is dependent upon annual negotiated rate and usage. |
1 |
FMD2024_077 | Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Electrical Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Value greater than $150,000. Estimated expenditure $2,529,000 dependent upon annual rate negotiation and usage. |
1 |
FMD2024_056 | Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Electrical Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Estimated value greater than $150,000. Original contract value is $ 249,295.20 incl GST |
1 |
FMD2024_096 | Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Electrical Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Greater than $150,000.00. Estimated contract value $26,411,929.50 incl GST, price dependent on supply & billing rates |
1 |