Reference Number | Category | Name and business address of the contractor | Amount Payable | Class |
Cornerstone | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
$178,301.00 | 2 |
999/003/841 | Leases - Property Lease |
$1,359,281.00 | 2 |
2011/030 | Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Maintenance Services |
$481,366.00 | 2 |
1998/ITS1 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 This is a rolling contract. The total amount payable depends on the number of pieces of equipment leased through the Macquarie Bank and depends on UOW requirements for desktops, laptops and peripherals. |
2 |
LSU1094 | Leases - Property Lease |
Greater than $150,000.00 Total rent estimated at $652,132.50. Lease based on 4x5 year leases |
2 |
999/004/611 | Leases - Property Lease |
Greater than $150,000.00 As per Item 5 of the Lease Reference schedule and Appendix 2 of the MOU |
2 |
999/004/114(1) | Leases - Property Lease |
Greater than $150,000.00 Total rent payable is estimated at $689,436. Lease based on 4x5 year leases. |
2 |
LSU744 | Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Licences |
$660,000.00 | 2 |
999/005/404 | Research - Contract Research Services |
$865,736.00 | 2 |
2015/ITS1 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Estimated annual cost at $252,000, this amount is variable, based on annual amount of named users and processors. |
2 |
2016/ITS4 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
$1,712,090.00 | 2 |
LSU25 | Leases - Property Lease |
Greater than $150,000.00 Approximate rent payable is $60'3036.50 per annum which does not include annual rent review increases or contributions to outgoings. Carpark licence fee of $22,800 per annum applies. |
2 |
LSU181 | Leases - Property Lease |
$1,310,000.00 | 2 |
FMD2019_002 | Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Maintenance Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Estimated contract value $4,029,393.09 |
2 |
CDU2019_001 | Construction - Capital Works Agreement |
$4,950,000.00 | 2 |
FMD2021_004 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 $589,050.00 incl GST |
2 |
FMD2022_055 | Goods and Services - Cleaning and Associated Services |
$160,574.00 | 2 |
FMD2022_048 | Goods and Services - Facilities Management |
$230,727.00 | 2 |
FMD2022_053a | Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Maintenance Services |
$317,790.00 | 2 |
2023/2699 | Goods and Services - Consultancy Services |
$510,000.00 | 2 |
FMD2024_002 | Construction - Refurbishment |
Greater than $150,000.00 Original Contract value over $150.000.00. Estimated contract value is $645,908.28 (ncl GST) including contract and HCV-003 |
2 |
5406214: 5391779v1 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
$441,871.00 | 2 |
Q-482320-4 | Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Licences |
Greater than $150,000.00 Annual fee $143,892.00 USD |
2 |
2021/0662 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Original estimated cost $69,487.00 (incl GST) noting this varies based on the number of licences held UOW. In the last 18 months this has increased to over $150,000 (GST incl) due to the number of licences required. |
2 |
Library - 2023 / Taylor & Francis | Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Licences |
Greater than $150,000.00 Approximated costs $1,041,766.56 USD, not subject to GST |
2 |
LSU2500 | Leases - Property Lease |
Greater than $150,000.00 Greater than $150,000. Estimated total value of $439,278 incl GST. This figure does not include any outgoings or CPI increases. |
2 |
FMD2024_058 | Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Goods and Services - Maintenance Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Greater than $150,000.00. Original Contract value is $151,800.00 incl GST |
2 |
UOW2024/006 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
$162,250.00 | 2 |
PUR100526090 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
$174,900.00 | 2 |
SOW Number O-215699 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
$321,750.00 | 2 |
FMD2024_078 | Construction - Construction - Management |
Greater than $150,000.00 Value greater than $150,000. Estimated value $261,888 incl GST |
2 |