Reference Number | Category | Name and business address of the contractor | Amount Payable | Class |
Cornerstone | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
$178,301.00 | 2 |
2006/ITS1 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Estimated expenditure of $1,765,000 over the term of the contract. Term of this contract expired on 30/1/2016-agreement to carry on this contract on a month by month basis whilst contract renewal terms are under negotiation. |
1 |
2005/ITS2 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Ongoing contract with approx spend of $614,000 per annum. Total amount payable depends on the number of staff and student internet usage. |
1 |
2008/ITS2 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Total amount of contract depends on number of pieces of equipment leased through Cisco and depends on UOW requirements for network and telephony hardware. Estimated costing = $2,716,946 (incl GST). |
1 |
1998/ITS1 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 This is a rolling contract. The total amount payable depends on the number of pieces of equipment leased through the Macquarie Bank and depends on UOW requirements for desktops, laptops and peripherals. |
2 |
2011/ITS1 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 This amount is dependent on software licensing requirements. The total expenditure is estimated at $4,050,000.00 |
1 |
2010/FIN1 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 This contract is currently running on a month-to-month basis until further negotiations are finalised. |
1 |
2012/ITS3 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Amount payable is dependent on the number of devices leased. A monthly service fee of $11,712 will be charged, which provides for the Card System and onsite servicing |
1 |
2000/ITS1 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Estimated yearly amount payable is $328,000 |
1 |
2012/019(2) | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Estimated expenditure of $10,337,500 over the term of the contract. |
1 |
2012/020 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Estimated expenditure of $300,000 per annum |
1 |
2014/ITS3 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
$493,004.00 | 1 |
2015/ITS1 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Estimated annual cost at $252,000, this amount is variable, based on annual amount of named users and processors. |
2 |
999/006/382 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
$6,716,172.00 | 1 |
999/006/553 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Estimated costs of $2,308,240 which includes subscriptions, set up costs and additional staging environment |
1 |
2016/ITS4 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
$1,712,090.00 | 2 |
999/004/976 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Estimated costs for the first year are $346, 013. |
1 |
AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY -NCI Collab - REQ0187371 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
$840,937.00 | 1 |
POA1900554 /Adobe ETLA | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
$981,519.00 | 1 |
FMD2021_004 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 $589,050.00 incl GST |
2 |
5406214: 5391779v1 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
$441,871.00 | 2 |
2021/0662 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
Greater than $150,000.00 Original estimated cost $69,487.00 (incl GST) noting this varies based on the number of licences held UOW. In the last 18 months this has increased to over $150,000 (GST incl) due to the number of licences required. |
2 |
UOW2024/006 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
$162,250.00 | 2 |
PUR100526090 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
$174,900.00 | 2 |
SOW Number O-215699 | Goods and Services - Information Technology Services |
$321,750.00 | 2 |