GIPA - Access to Information

Contract Information Class 1

Reference Number CDU2019_002
Amount Payable Greater than $150,000.00
Estimated value of contract is 1421750.
Effective Date 26/03/2019
Completion Date 26/03/2024
Name and business address of the contractor
Lendlease Retirement Living Holding Pty Ltd - Level 14 International Towers Exchange Place Tower Three 300 Barangaroo Avenue SYDNEY NSW 2000
Particulars of the project to be undertaken, the goods or services to be provided or real property to be leased/transferred UOW has entered into an Agreement with Lendlease to provide development management services to assist in the development of construction of UOW's Primary and Community Health Building
Details of any related body corporate or private sector entity who will be involved in carrying out any of the contractor’s obligations or receive a benefit.
Lendlease RL Future Development no 1 Holding Pty Ltd
Are there any provisions under which the amount payable may be varied? Yes
Amount Payable Variation Clauses Refer relevant clauses in the contract
Can the contract be renegotiated? Yes
Renegotiation Clauses Refer relevant clauses in the contract
Did the contract involve a tender process? No
Description of any provisions under which the contractor is to receive payment for providing operational or maintenance services N/A

Contract Information Class 2

Is there a transfer of significant assets to the State? No
Is there a transfer of significant assets to the contractor? No
Has any cost-benefit analysis been undertaken by UOW? No
Was a public sector comparator used? No
Did the contractor provide a base case financial model? No
If relevant, provide details of how risk is to be apportioned between the parties. Management services to be provided by Lendlease. Financial and development risks are bourne by UOW
Have there been any significant guarantees or undertakings between the parties? No
Other Key Elements Development management agreement was agreed on the basis of selecting Lendlease Retirement Living as a development partner for the Health and Wellbeing Precinct which was subject to an EOI and thorough tender process.